Hello Speed Benchmark by ismyserverslow.com

Hello Speed

Server Details

Web Server

Benchmark Options

Choose Benchmarks
this test will request static resource from server 100 times and calculate average response speed
this test will request php resource from server 100 times and calculate average response speed
this test will start php script that generates CPU load and measure time need to complete calculations
this test will start php script that creates files, writes some data and reads from it
this test will start php script that creates table, populate it with data and executes few queries against that table

Last action:

Benchmark Results

Coefficient of Variation is in dimensionless, shown as percentage.

All other results are in milliseconds rounded to 2 decimals.

Benchmark Results

Benchmark Details

Static Benchmark Details
PHP Benchmark Details
MySQL Benchmark Result Details


Compare Results

To compare your results, you have to send data shown to ismyserverslow server.

Results will open in new window or tab.

If you allow statistical usage of your data, result will be cached for some time on server, so you can check comparison without re-running benchmark.

If you do not want yor data to be included in statistics, check box below. No submited data will be recorded on server.